11 May - 4 August, 2019
Tuesday - Friday, 10am - 5pm
Saturday & Sunday, 12pm - 4pm
17 May, 2019
4pm - 8pm
2 George Street,
Bringing together a selection of recent acquisitions from the QUT Art Collection, ‘Vis-ability’ has been conceived as a project to broaden understanding of the lived experiences of people who are blind or have low vision. Drawing on research from QUT’s Creative Industries Faculty, ‘Vis-ability’ proposes alternative ways of engaging with the Art Collection, considering how technologies can deepen our understanding of vision, and challenge our sight-driven experience of art.
Visitors will have the opportunity to experience tactile models, audio descriptions, and augmented reality, in conjunction with selected works on display. ‘Vis-ability’ aims to increase the visibility of the Art Collection, while broadening audience perception of ‘visual’ art. The exhibition brings to light that which is unseen, and draws on different perspectives, positions and senses, to encourage different ways of seeing.