23 – 30 May
Mon – Tue: 12 – 5pm (gallery only)
Wed – Fri: 9am – 5pm
Sat: 10am – 2pm
Sun: 9am – 5pm
Grand Exhibition Evening: Fri 26 May, 5 – 9pm
J2/241 Station Road,
Colouring within the lines of absurdity.
Interweaving and blurring the lines between surrealism, poetry, and the absurdity of life. You will see only what your heart permits.
Each line, embalmed with hope and desolation beckons you to dive in deep. Will you explore or be transfixed by the myriad of fine details? Charcoal and graphite has never looked so colourful, capturing the human form and the esoteric ideas that transcend society.
Viewing with an open mind and a curious soul is sure to evoke the big questions, or the smiling lines.
Step inside the open studio and mind of Sidney where you are invited to engage with or witness Sid working on his grandest piece yet. Peruse the walls at your own pace. Seating is also available.
Opening Night
Please join us on Friday 26 May to celebrate the grand opening of But … I’m not a doctor by Sidney Herbst.